Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Steve Nash Diet

“I feel there are two areas of life that are greatly overlooked, misunderstood or not credited with their importance in our ability to reach our optimal levels of performance and also our greatest quality of everyday life… diet and sleep.” 

Going in a different direction with this post, but I have been fascinated by the Steve Nash Diet recently. When trying to eat healthy who better to turn to for advice than a two time MVP point guard, who, at 36 years of age, can still hang with kids ten years younger than him for 40 minutes a night?

That's right, nobody. 

Steve Nash, who can credit the longevity of his career to the progressive nature of his diet, follows 4 simple rules, and a basic food pyramid when planning his daily food intake

Steve Nash Rules:

1- Make the best choices with what you have available
2- Be Proactive with your meals
3- Eat organically as much as possible
4- Stay away from processed foods, rice, bread and pastas

Steve Nash Food Pyramid:
1- Fruits and Veggies 
2- Chicken and fish
3- Raw Nuts
4- Vitamins and protein bars

Its that simple! You may be thinking that this list is quite slim and does not provide to many choices, but the truth is that the majority of foods available in today's culture really are not good for you. Nash whittles his diet down to the bare essentials, only putting things in his body that can be turned into fuel. This maximizes the efficiency of his body, eliminating the waste of energy it takes to remove unnecessary calories. 

He also fills the bulk of his diet with fruits and vegetables, which are packed full of your the most important nutrients for your body; fiber, protein, carbs, and vitamins. Additionally, fruits and vegetables provide this nutritional package with little to no waste. 

So what options can you choose throughout the day to eat like Steve Nash? Lets take a look at his eating habits throughout the day:

Steve Nash Breakfast Foods:

Raisin Bran Wheaties or Oatmeal with Almond Milk
Smoothie with Milk, Yogurt, Blueberries, Strawberries and bananas
For caffeine, drink Green Tea, not coffee. (The tea bag kind, not bottled.)

Steve Nash Lunch:

Chicken or Fish Salad with romaine lettuce and oranges or cranberries and raw nuts

Salad Dressings: Cut up Limes or Lemons, Vinaigrette's
Also a piece of whole fruit

Steve Nash Snacks: 

Fruit: Apples, Bananas, Strawberries, Peaches, Pears
Dried Fruit: Mango's, Apricots, Berries, Apples
Nuts: Almonds, Pistachios, Mixed Nuts, Cashews
Power Bars: High in fiber, low in fat and cholesterol
Nutra-Grain Bars, Triscuits, Peanut Butter and Crackers, Pretzels (low sodium)

Steve Nash Dinner:

Grilled or baked fish or chicken with vegetables
Side of brown rice or a whole wheat bagel

So there you have it, the Steve Nash diet. Try it out for a week and see how you like it!The most important thing is preparation. All of these foods are difficult to find while you are on the go so plan out your meals before you start out your day. 

Salads are easy to prepare in a large tupperware and can be brought to work and stored in a fridge. Also, chicken and fish can easily be prepared and stored, so cook them before the week begins and put it in your fridge. When you get home from work, simply cook up some vegetables, heat up the chicken and fish and there you go, dinner is served!

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