Friday, October 8, 2010

We Have Tim Lincecum And You Don't

If it weren't for Roy Halladay's No-No last night, Lincecum's performance would have been the talk of the Major Leagues. Complete game, 14 K's, 2 hits and 1 walk. The "freak show" was on full display tonight; locked in and throwing un-hittable darts.

If Lincecum continues to live up to the pressure and expectations that come with two Cy Young awards, the Giants are going to be tough to beat in this years playoffs. 

Props to Cody Ross for knocking in the games only run, and props to Bruce Bochy for rolling with Cody instead of Rowand or Jose Guillen. 

Now its time for Matt Cain to take on Tommy Hanson, looking to give the Giants a 2-0 lead before traveling to Atlanta, where the team will face the Braves Ace, Tim Hudson.

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