Friday, October 29, 2010

Giants Win World Series Game 2: Different Hero Every Night

The Giants are red hot right now.

I dont think I have ever seen a team, regardless of sport, play with as much confidence as the Giants in this World Series.

8 innings of four hit ball? Meh, no problem. 7 run 2 out rally? Yea, why not.

The pitching is spectacular, the defense is perfect and everybody is smashing the ball all over the field.

What has been most impressive is the Giants resiliency. Nothing can faze these guys. Each time the Rangers got a player on base, the Giants pitching and defense quickly shuts them down.

And its disorienting the Rangers, who have survived this post season despite a multitude of blown leads, errors and overall mistakes.

The key for the Giants from here on out will be carrying this momentum over to Texas where they will be without the hometown crowd, Cain or Lincecum. ts up to Jonathon Sanchez and Madison Bumgarner to close out the series on the road, or else let the momentum shift with the series headed back to San Francisco.

Are the Giants pair of young lefties up to the challenge?

If the Giants keep smashing the ball like they are now, it might not matter.

1 comment:

  1. Although the Giants are obviously trying to win two in Arlington and end this thing, if they only get one they are still in great shape. They will be coming back home with Matt Caine on the mound (their best pitcher this postseason) and only have to win one of the final two. At last it is a great time to be a bay area sports fan.
