Sunday, July 18, 2010

Why You Cant Rip Lebron for Forming the Super Team in South Beach

Go ahead and rip Lebron James. 

Label him. Trash him. Criticize him.

If you want to ridicule his hour long “decision”, now is the time. If you want to bash him for deserting poor old Cleveland, do it now. If you just straight up don’t like the guy and have been holding it back for seven years, now is the time to let it all out. 

Because once the 2010 season begins Lebron is going to get you back. 

He is going to make you forget, he is going to rope you back in, and he is going to make you love the NBA again. Lebron has an 82 game canvas to work with and every square inch of that illustration is going to leave you drooling at the King’s throne. 

Amidst all of this “We hate Lebron” hysteria people seem unable to comprehend the most important factor in all of this. Lebron James, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh are about to play on the SAME team. As in the SAME team. As in, they are going to wear like, the same jerseys, and play against like, the same team and they are going to like, do it all at the same time. 

Don’t believe me? Sound Crazy? Well it’s true. 

The Super Team in South Beach is going to revolutionize basketball as we know it. Listen, the NBA could barely stop Lebron OR D-Wade last year, and they weren't even on the same team! Lebron led miserable Cleveland to the best record in the league and D Wade dragged his team of corpses to the sixth seed in the playoffs.

Semi relevant mini rant:

(I don't want to hear anymore of that B.S about Lebron not stepping up against the Celtics in last years playoffs. He sucked (and by sucked i mean he only got a triple double) for TWO games. That’s it. He brought his A+ game for 82 regular season games, 10 additional playoff games and than brought his B+ game to the final two. You can’t rip him for that. He carried the entire state of Cleveland (are they a state or a city…forget it, I don’t even really care) on his back the entire season. When he finally wears down, not a single Cav steps up, none of the media cuts him a break and the fans actually blame him for the loss? No wonder he left.

Come to think of it, does anybody really actually feel sorry for Cleveland? They bring all of this upon themselves. First of all, who in the world decides to live in Cleveland if they are not A, locked in a penitentiary and literally bound there by law or B, Jim Tressel. Second of all, they actually have a sports team called the Browns. Yes, you just read that correctly. There football team is called the Browns. Their jerseys consist of a helmet, which looks as if it got dunked in the locker room toilet, and jerseys, which look like the team just emerged from the locker room after a tootsie roll themed food fight.

As for Wade, the fact that he carried a starting five of himself, two second round draft picks, a bipolar forward, and a washed up center to the sixth best record in the East should tell you how unbelievably UNDER rated he is. In the final game of the Boston series, the Celtics literally triple teamed Wade the entire game and he still dropped 43.)

End of semi relevant mini rant:

How in the world are teams going to stop D-Wade AND Lebron on the same court at the same time?

They're not going to. They are going to be unstoppable. These two guys, plus Chris Bosh, are going to be so dominant, that Sportscenter is going to have its "Top Plays"... .and than the "Miami Heat Top Plays". Trust me. Its going to be crazy. Stu Scott and Chris Berman are going to host it at the same time and Skip Bayless, overwhelmed by it all, is going to be running around in the background with tribal war paint and face tattoos.

And the best part about it? You are going love it. You are literally going to be standing, watching, screaming your face directly off of your own face.


Because this is every sports fans secret fantasy. This is what every pimple headed teenager simulates in their favorite NBA video game. This is the "pretend" pickup game we all play in our buddies driveway. Ladies and gentleman this is equivalent to Russell joining Chamberlain, Bird going "Showtime" with Magic and Luke flipping off Yoda and teaming up with Vader.

That's why its going to be so exciting. Why its going to be so dramatic. This has never been done before. Good has never teamed up with Evil. Number 1 has never joined Number 2. Its like Mick Jager and John Lennon just decided to play in the same band, it just dosen't make sense.

But it dosen't have to. It dosent matter who is going to be "the man" or who is going to get "the credit." The only thing that matters is that is saves the NBA.

Because you may not know it yet, but the NBA is boring. The talent is mediocre. The teams are bland and the level of play is severely diminished. You can’t tell me last years NBA playoffs were anywhere near the pinnacle of what the NBA can become. Not when we watched the Celtics old ass limp through the playoffs like they were on a shuffleboard hot streak at the local retirement home. Aside from the NBA Finals, there were no memorable moments, no stand out performances and no heated rivalries.

The NBA’s heyday was in the 80’s, when there were three "super" teams and nobody else mattered. Fans got to choose between the “Showtime Lakers”, with Magic, Kareem and Worthy, or the “Lunch Pail” Celtics with Bird, Mchale and Parrish and if you were feeling extra saucy you could root for the “Bad Boys” in Detroit with Isiah, Lambier, Dumars and Rodman. It was simple, easy to follow and entertaining as hell. 

Today's America, much like America was in the 80's, is too busy. We don't have time to follow 30 NBA teams. Life is so much easier when you can just root for one of three teams, stacked with all the relevant players. The 1970's were to confusing, with both the NBA and the ABA, the 1990's were too boring, because it was just Jordan and anybody else, but the 80's got it just right. Three different teams. Three unique persona's. And three unbelievably stacked rosters.

It was the perfect recipe. And Lebron has taken note.

That's why he formed the "Super Team in South Beach." He knows that the NBA is no good when its talent is spread thinly across 30 rosters. Lebron is shaking things up, defying the norm and starting the revolution.

Don't doubt for a second that the NBA’s next wave of free agents arent already plotting the formation of their own Dream Teams. How about Chris Paul and Carmelo Anthony uniting with Amare Stoudamire in New York? How about Deron Williams and Dwight Howard taking pay cuts to join Kevin Durant and OK City? 

Are you excited now?

You should be, and its because of Lebron James. At some point we will look back on Lebron's career and realize he was ahead of his time, that he actually made the right decision for himself and the entire NBA. In the same way that we didn't understand Muhammad Ali when we first got to know him as a young, brash, charismatic fighter, we don't yet fully understand Lebron. We havent had a chance to look back and reflect on his full body of work. 

So go ahead. Rip Lebron. Rip him hard and rip him now.

Because you will be thanking him later.


  1. just went back and read this article. its a little bit all over the place, i think im going to go back and tune it up

  2. hmmm no. i think the talent in the league is just fine. i worry about the people running these teams. think about the heats roster, they will be at full capacity with bron and wade making near the max and bosh is somewhere up there too. now look at the pistons. THE PISTONS ARE AT THE CAP LEVEL. look again, i'm not kidding. somebody in detroit is fucking up.

    as far the lebron circus, im over it. we worried when he wouldnt take the last shot. we worried when he would put the game in DONYELL MARSHALL'S hands. i say, if lebron wants to be magic johnson, then fuck it let him be magic. please dont put him in ali in the same paragraph, im sorry make that the same web page

    a couple pts about last years playoffs then im done
    1. the emergence of the thunderdurants
    i mean seriously, theyre the new portland. except we wont have to keep waiting for them
    2. kobe goin all kobe on the suns
    3. delonte west scoring with lebrons mom
    4. dallas getting all that momentum only to get whooped by san antone (again)
    5. the boston vs wade series was pretty competitive. remember pp with that buzzer beater

    wow, what just happened. consider that my COUNTERRANT

  3. Excellent counter rant. Plenty of good points.

    I think its better that the players are taking control of the roster moves. Most of the league makes dumb moves every off season. Why would lebron want to put the rest of his career in Danny Ferry or Dan Gilberts hands? His the best player in the league he can play wherever he wants and thats what he decided to do. Not sit around and wait for the Cavs front office to get hims some help.

    Good points about the playoffs. they were entertaining. But they could be better if there were super teams!

  4. the playoffs will be less entertaining this year. dont bother me in the east until orlando gets the miami thrice

  5. true. but can i wake you up in two years when Chris Paul, Carmelo and Amare are taking on the heat in the east, and the lakers are taking on the thunder in the west?

    It cant get better than that.

  6. Great mini-rant. I don’t feel bad for Cleveland. If you have LeBron you got to get someone else in there to help him out! I mean serious help, not Shaq or Jamison. Furthermore, I cant believe the state of Ohio has TWO football teams. That’s crazy, and LA doesn’t even have one.

    I hate that the Celtics could do what they did, wow the NBA is boring. ugh.

    I love that NBA players would take a pay cut to win a championship!

    The East is horrible thats why D-wade and nobodies could get the 6th seed last year.

    Chris Paul is demanding a trade and he wants the Knicks or Lakers or some team with a star or two already there!


    Looks like the sports rant is on to something! You heard it hear first baby. Prepare for the formation of the super teams
