Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Boston Sports Can Suck It: Rep your Hood!

I’m done, I’m over it, I have had enough. It was cute at first, than it was mildly impressive, and now it is downright annoying. It’s like the rap career of Soulja Boy; I loved to “Superman that hoe,” just as much as the next guy, but now he wants to “teach me how to dougie” and “get my swag on” and it’s all just too much. I’m confused; I’m white and the dance moves are causing an early onset of back pain.

I feel the same way about Boston Sports, minus the back pain. I mean, it was great when the Red Sox broke their little “curse,” and it was great when Tom Brady became Tom Brady, and I even cheered when the Celtics won their first championship since 1987.

But now? It has gotten out of control.

The constant media coverage, the on-air romance with ESPN, the winning and the whining. Boston fans, once lovable losers, are now some of the whiniest, snottiest fans in all of sports. And don’t get me going about the bandwagon fans. Is there anything worse? I mean everybody has had a conversation with the “Boston Bandwagon Guy” right?

“Bro, i’ve like totally been a Sox fan, like my entire life bro, I like bleed Red Sox man. Oh when did I start liking them? Oh yeah, I’ve got this uncle right, and his friend like said he might be able to take me to a game sometime, so I’m totally counting on that and, wait, what did your say? Nomar? …. Wait, who is that?”

It’s terrible and as a devoted sports fan, I can’t stand for it. I’m calling out all sports fans, nation wide, and demanding that you rep your hood!

Boston may have been the best sports town of the LAST decade, but they will not be for the NEXT decade.

The time has come or a new City to step up and steal the crown off of Boston’s dusty throne. And hey, its my blog, so you know what?

Why not the Bay Area?

I am not going to be so bold to say that the Bay Area Sports Scene will be the greatest of this upcoming decade, but I’m going to go ahead and declare the Bay Area Sports scene the greatest of this next decade. (Or if nothings else, better than Boston.)

Patriots? Pa-lease, nobody wants to talk about this same old story line anymore. Tom Brady, yada yada yada, Randy Moss blah blah blah, Wes Welker, whatever whatever. Lets talk San Francisco 49ers. Bill Beliechiek’s empire is fading and Mike Singeltary’s is growing. The 49ers have arrived, and there are three reasons why they are going to be a force for the next decade.

First, the investment in the offensive line.

In today’s NFL, a team can find itself in the cellar any given year. Five of the last 8 super bowl runner ups did not make the playoffs the following year. The teams that consistently remain elite do so because of their offensive line. Take the two New York Teams for example, the Giants and the Jets. Both teams have spent high draft picks and free agent dollars to build deep, talented offensive lines. No matter who lines up in their backfields, they can be confident that there will be lanes to run through and protection to throw from.

The 49ers must have paid attention.

After locking up Left Tackle Joe Staley to a six year contract, the team went out and spent two high draft picks on Anthony Davis and Mike Iupati. Those three, along with second rounder’s Chilo Rachel and David Bass, account for five 49er lineman who were drafted among the top 40 picks on draft night. Yea, get excited. (And get 49ers running backs on your fantasy team.)

Second, Patrick Willis.

True story, 85% of the world is covered by water, the rest is covered by Patrick Willis. This guy is a legitimate difference maker and a special talent in the mold of Ray Lewis. He sniffs out run plays like they were designed by kibble and bits, and has the coverage skills to mark both tight ends and receivers. Additionally, rumor has it that in the off-season he works as Terry Tate’s personal office linebacker. As long as P-Willy, as I like to call him, is roaming the middle, the 49er defense will be in good hands.

(P.S: Random side note- If you ever find yourself in a room with multiple people wearing a Patrick Willis jersey, as I often do, you are thus a wild-pack of Will-I.)

Third, Mike Singletary.

Ever since he dropped his pants on the ground 17 months ago, the entire 49ers culture has changed. Every member of the 49ers nation, fan, employee, player, believe they can win, and it is because of Mike Singletary. The man has his faults, as he has not proven himself as a great evaluator of talent or as a great X’s and O’s guy, but damn the guy can flat out coach. He motivates, he inspires and he demands greatness out of everybody, which is something we haven’t had since that Bill Walsh guy two decades ago.

(Random Question: Who wins in the Nutcracker Drill, Mike Singletary or God?.......... Trick question, Mike Singletary IS God. Heyo!!!..... moving on.)

Have you seen a Red Sox game this year? Man that team is boring. Ill take my hometown Giants over the Red Sox any day of the week and twice on Sundays. While the Sox continue to be old and boring the Giants are young, fun and uber-talented. There is no reason  to believe the Giants are not for real, and with a strong core of young talent, they look to be a force in the National League for years to come.

A starting trio of Lincecum, Cain and Zito leave GM’s drooling like Homer Simpson at a Donut Factory. Throw in Jonathon Sanchez, Madison Bumgarner and top pick Zack Wheeler and it is clear that pitching will not be an issue anytime soon for the Giants.

(You can't talk me into any other staff that you would rather have in a 7 game playoff. Lincecum and Cain twice? Zito as the third starter? Sanchez and Bumgarner in long relief? Lights out. If the Giants can sneak their way into the playoffs, look out. They could make some noise. )

And the Giants have hitting too.

I can’t get enough of Buster Posey and Pablo Sandoval. I mean talk about cool nicknames, "Panda and Buster" sounds like a cop movie circa 1984. And they can rake too. Buster has proven to be the reincarnation of Derick Jeter, only as a catcher, and Sandoval looks to be a middle of the lineup force for years to come.

(Don’t worry about Panda right now, he will get back on track. How well would you be hitting if your wife was banging some dude back home in Venezula while you were being counted on to carry your team through a pennant race?)

In addition to Posey and Sandoval, the Giants have big bucks to throw at a marquee free agent this off-season. If the Giants can spend that money wisely, hopefully on Bay Area native Carl Crawford, the Giants lineup could be real special.

Speaking of money, Giants ownership has lots of it! Owner Bill Neukom has positioned the team to be one of the richest in baseball. Beautiful SBC At&T park is one of the few stadiums in baseball to be owned by the actual ball club that plays in it. This means that the Giants are not only making money off of their own fans, but also off of kids with Bieber Fever looking to catch the next concert at SBC AT&T Park. Additionally Neukom’s goal is to build shopping malls and restaurants around the stadium, which will be owned by the Giants and will provide a steady revenue stream to boost Giants payroll.

And the Bay Area has new owners too! The Warriors new one, Joe Lacob, was stolen right out of Boston's own backyard and if you read the Sports Rant you know that he is looking to build a big three here in Oakland. Not an aging big three with a closing window, such as Boston, but a young core that can be built around for the next 10 years.

And its headlined by Steph Curry! Yes the same one that you saw wreaking havoc on the NCAA tournament just three years ago. Yes the same one that averaged 27 points a game in college despite constant triple teams. And yes the same one that is currently playing on USA basketball's national team as one of the top players in the entire world.

So get excited! There has never been a better time than now to be a Bay Area Sports fan!... well except maybe the 70’s…..and possibly the 80’s.....Or hell, even the 90’s, but hey, you know what, dont be such a debbie downer, no one asked for your negativty. 

So step your game up, rep your hood, rep the Bay Area!

And lets stick it to Boston.


  1. SBC PARK?!?!?!? you gotta be kidding me. I'm trying so hard to like Giants fans, but uhh

  2. you've been out of town way too long

  3. Niners are lookin awesome! Great preview article by Mike Sando on espn.com about the NIners. We could totally own the next decade! the raiders could take a page out of the Niners playbook! did you really call it SBC?

  4. where's the Sharks love? and the A's are on their way to another winning decade! a lot of young and exciting talent, amybe even a better pitching staff than the Giants!

  5. I am not confident i could name the starting lineup for the A's right now, and i don't consider that a lack of fanhood

  6. No love for those who reside at McAfee? Or is it Oakland Alamada County Coliseum?
