Thursday, September 23, 2010

Week 3 NFL Pick'Em

Romo and Schaub battle
for Texas supremacy
The matchup of the week pits the upstart Texans against the downtroden Cowboys. Will Dallas continue to crumble and fall to 0-3, or will they right the ship and save Wade Phillips job? Will the Texans prove they are the team to beat in the Lone Star State, or will they flop in front of their home crowd? Find out the answers to these questions and many more in this episode of weekly picks.

As always, feel free to leave your own picks in the comments section below.

Browns @ Ravens -10.5

The Browns are a lame duck right now. Eric Mangini is on his way out sooner rather than later, and the Browns are currently counting on Jake Delhomme's backup, Seneca Wallace, to lead their offense. They havent embarassed themselves yet, hanging with Tampa and Kansas City, but this one is against a juggernaut in the Ravens. Baltimore hasnt let up a touchdown in either of its two games so far and unless Josh Cribbs breaks one on Special Teams, Clevelands chances of breaking that streak look slim. Furthermore, this is Baltimore's home opener after spending the first two weeks of the season on the road. Excpect a lot of offensive fireworks in front of the hometown crowd.

The Pick: The Old Spice Ravens

Cowboys @ Texans -3

I have been tossing and turning on this one for a while, but finally Jim Rome helped me see the light during my lunch break. This is a classic big brother little brother battle. The Texans have played second fiddle to the Cowboys their entire existence, and now they have them at home and pinned against the ropes at 0-2. As Rome pointed out, little brother always plays with more of an edge. They have more to prove after living in big brothers shadow, and are tougher, grittier and hungrier because of it. This game means a lot more to the Texans than it does the Cowboys, and they are the superior team looking for an oppurtunity to move into the national spotlight. What better way to do so than by stealing away the star from their in-state-rival Cowboys. Texans win, Wade Phillips gets fired and we finally get to stop talking about the Cowboys for a while.

The Pick: Houston Texans

49ers @ Chiefs +3

This game could make or break Mike Singletary. Detractors point at that his emotional coaching style creates boom or bust results, and this game, which follows an emotioanlly draining loss to New Orleans, will either support or disprove that opinion. KC is a young and upcoming team but willl be vulnerable to the 49ers physciality in the trenches.

The Pick: 49ers

Lions @ Vikings -11

The Vikings stock is plummeting. Brett Farve looks dis-interested, the offensive line is crumbling and the teams playmakers, minus Adrian Peterson, are banged up. With all that said, you dont really think I am going to go agaisnt the Lions now do you? Of course not, go Lions. Quest for the 16-0 season continues. (Against the spread that is.)

The Pick: Lions

Bills @ Patriots -14

14 Points!? 14 POINTS!? I had to rub my eyes a couple of times to ensure that I was reading it correctly. Upon confirming that this game is predicted to stay within 14 points, my brain entertained me with a mock conversation with my imaginary bookie:

"So bookie, your telling me that all I have to do is predict that the Bills, who are destined for an 0-16 season, are starting a former Harvard Quarterback, and are facing the Patriots in an Ef-you game at home after a loss to the rival Jets, will loose by more than two Randy Moss hail mary touchdowns?"

Bookie: "Yes. That is correct. Will you be making your payments in cash or check."

Randy Moss: "Straight Cash Homie."

The Pick: New England Patriots Payday

Falcons @ Saints -4

The Saints are coming off a gutty win against the 49ers on Monday Night, and the short week combined with the abscence of Reggie Bush, is leaning me towards the Falcons. Coming off a shellacking of the Arizona Cardinals, the Falcons have an oppurtunity to steal one from New Orleans, and pick up a lead in the NFC South, which many experts predicited they will win.

The Pick: Dirty Birds (anybody see that dirty bird vodoo commerical? It's awesome.)

Titans @ Giants -3

I am chalking up the Titans overall dysfunciton last week to the dominance of the Pittsburgh Steelers. I think they get back on track this week, especially against the Giants, whose dysfunction last week against the Colts looked  more like the not so good, could be a crappy season, kind of dysfunciton.

The Pick: Titans

Steelers @ Bucs +1

Hhhmmm.. Steel Curtain vs a second year quarterback? Sorry Josh Freeman, but I'm taking the Steelers. Even though Tampa Bay has shown some spunk with two early season victorys, and even though the Steelers are starting somebody who's prime coincided with NFL Biltz 99, and even though all statsistacal trends point towards the Bucs winning this one... well, i'm still going with the Steelers. Although thats a lot of good reasons to go with Tampa Bay.

The Pick: Steelers

Bengals @ Panthers +3

Classic mismatch. A team in the Bengals that I feel are vastly underated and a team in the Panthers, which somehow manage to be over-rated. Jimmy Clausen gets his NFL debut, unfortunatly it is against the top pass defense in the league, which picked off Joe Flacco four times last week.

The Pick: Bengals

Redskins @ Rams +3.5

Sure. Redskins. Why not.

The Pick: Redskins

Eagles @ Jaguars +3

I learned my lesson last week, betting in favor of a team that I knew nothing about.So this week I set out to learn finally learn a thing or two about the Jaguars. I came away underwhelmed. Yes, David Garrard is still the quarterback, yet his effectivness is wearing off. He threw four picks last week at San Diego and looks to be fading quicly, especially behind a weak offensive line. As for the Jaguars defense, which was once one of the top units in the league, it is a shell of its former self. The Jags have difficulty both stopping the run and the pass, which spells a big day for new Eagles starter Michael Vick.

The Pick: Eagles

Colts @ Broncos +5.5

The key to slowing down the Colts, aside from stoping Peyton, which is impossible, is keeping Dwight Freeney and Robert Mathis in check. Easier said than done. But the Colts defense is dependent upon their D-ends getting in the backfield and getting to the quarterback. The Broncos have one of the most talented offensive tackle's in Ryan Clady, who can at least keep a banged up Dwight Freeney in check, if they can keep Mathis out of the backfield as well, they will at least have a chance to cover.

The pick: Broncos

Raiders @ Cardinals -4.5

The Raiders are going to roll with Bruce Gradowski in an attempt to save Tom Cable's job. Dont think its going to work on the road against Arizona. Working in the Cardinals favor is their recent "closed-door-players-only" meeting, which so often leads to at least one rousing victory folllowed by a return to dysfunction. Plus, the Cardinals, and thus my fantasy team, are finally getting starting running back Beanie Wells back after missing two weeks with an ankle injury. Back to Tom Cables job security.. Who in their right mind would take that job in Oakland? Really their only option is to promote someone internally. And is that person really gonna be better than Cable, who appears to have the team at least playing hard every week? My vote, stick Al Davis on the sidelines, set him up with a reality TV show and let the unintentional comedy commence. "Whats his 40 time?"

The Pick: Arizona

Chargers @ Seahawks +5.5

Both these teams are giving me headaches in my weekly picks. I dont really care about either one of them, yet I am 0-4 in games they have been involved with. I guess ill go with the Seahwaks since they are at home and gaining 5.5 points.

The Pick: Seahwaks

Sunday Night Two Pointer:Jets @ Dolphins -1

This is a tough one. The Dolphins have had a strong start to the season and the Jets looked good last week in New England. I have been beating the "Jets-are-over-rated"drum so far this season, but at this point, I may be changing my tune. The negative response to Hard Knocks, the opening night loss to the Ravens and the Braylon Edwards DWI have turned the public against the Jets, creating the rare but dangerous "reverse over-rated effect." The opinion that the Jets are over-rated has now become mainstream, and thus, those that still support the team, are now in the minority. This plays directly into Rex Ryan's coaching style. He thrives with an "us vs them" mentality, and right now it feels like the whole world is against the Jets. I'm pulling an early season plot twist and going with the Jets.

The Pick: J-E-T-S, Jets JEts JETS

Monday Night Two Pointer: Packers @ Bears +3

I have noticed recently that my Packers related picks tend to be off the mark. This is most likely because my brain becomes clogged with negative thoughts everytime I think about what could have been with Aaron Rodgers. Damn you Mike Nolan and your non-Aaron Rodgers drafting ways! (Although Alex Smith stock is on the rise right now.) So, I am going to have to try to power through the anger, and make a rational decesion. It looks to me like the way to beat the Packers is to pound the ball against their suspect run defense. The Bears aerial attack, led by offensive cordinator Mike Martz and improving Jay Cutler, plays directly into the Packers hands. The Packers defensive line should have enough time to attack Cutler on his seven step drops and their defensive secondary has the skills to hang with the Bears deep routes.

The Pick: Cheese heads

Thats a wrap. Happy Gambling. Leave your picks in the comments section below


  1. Ravens, Texans, 49ers, Lions, Patriots, Saints, Giants, Steelers, Bengals, Redskins, Eagles, Colts, Raiders, Chargers, Dolphins, Packers (Mike Martz isnt really calling those 7 step drops anymore but I still like the Pack)

  2. game didnt break Singletary but it broke Raye!!!!!!
