Thursday, September 30, 2010

3 Great Things David Lee Brings to Warriors

Alright quick quiz: Name two of the ten most efficient scorers in the NBA last year...waiting, waiting...alright times up. You named David Lee and Stephen Curry didn't you? Of course you did. Defense be damned, the Warriors offensive attack is going to be lethal this year, and it starts with David Lee, who will team up with Stephen Curry to create one of the top pick and roll tandems in the league. 

Click the jump for a David Lee love-fest!

I have tossed and turned on David Lee all off season, unable to decide if I am for or against the sign and trade that brought him to Golden State. From a fan and fantasy basketball enthusiast perspective, I have always loved David Lee, but as someone deeply invested in the Warrior's future championship aspirations, I am undecided.

But for now, since it is merely training camp, the time for bright expectations and merciless hype, lets take a looks at three great things that David Lee is going to bring to the 2010 Golden State Warriors:

1- Offensive Efficiency 

His offensive efficiency on the Knicks last year debunks the "only good because he was on a bad team" stereotype. Most players on bad teams, yes I am looking at you Danny Granger and Monta Ellis, put up good stats because they are high volume shooters who are not required to stay within an offensive game plan. Lee however, put up his 22 points a game on only 14 shots a night, primarily acquired off the pick and roll, offensive put backs and fast break layups. This will increase the Warriors overall efficiency, as Lee scores his points from reliable sources and within the framework of an offense. 

*Remember, while the Warriors are always top's in the league in points, they are rarely tops in the league in effeciency. There is a big difference!

2- Rebounding

Many experts, such as ESPN's John Hollinger, have poured Haterade on David Lee's rebounding prowress. But the fact is that Lee has been stellar in college and throughout his  pro career. Some would argue that he does not box out well, and that he moped up a lot of rebounds in a high tempo Knick offense, but that dosen't take away the fact that he has a nose for the ball. Only Dwight Howard had a higher rebounding rate than Lee last year, which means even though the nine other guys on the floor had an equal chance at getting the plethora of rebounds at Madison Square Garden, it most often ended up in David Lee's hands.

3- Leadership

David Lee is something the Golden State franchise has not seen in a long time. Unlike the tatooed up, street ball players that have passed as leaders here in recent years, (yes you Stack Jack), Lee is an articulate, well spoken, classy veteran, who actucaly graduated from College. 

Just an example of his model citizenship; after Lee's trade to Golden State, a well known Madison Square Garden attendant passed away. Lee was the only member of the Knicks organazation, even though he was technically already a member of the Warriors, to attend the funeral. 

I don't know if that carries any weight when it comes to on-the-court results and locker room leadership, but I have a feeling it counts for something.

Go David Lee. Go Warriors

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