Friday, June 10, 2011

Dont Blame Ellis, Warriors Roster Stinks

The Warriors strength, and the reason they managed to win a respectable 36 games last year, with only 4 real NBA players on its roster, (real being defined as a player that would crack a ten man rotation on a contender) was the electric backcourt of Stephen Curry and Monta Ellis. 

So why do the Warriors appear to be so intent on breaking the duo up?

The Curry/Ellis combo is not the source of the Warriors losing ways. The depleted roster, devoid of any real talent is to blame. Management appears to have recognized this, and thinks that moving either Ellis or Curry is the best way to bring real talent on board. 

I would argue that, when you have a strength on your team, as the Warriors do, it does'nt make sense to trade that away just to be ordinary somewhere else, such as the front court. 

The Warriors are better off keeping the best offensive backcourt in the NBA intact and building around their weaknesses. This would involve acquiring a defensive minded two guard and building a serviceable big man rotation, both of which can be done with patience, in the draft and in free agency. 

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