Friday, June 10, 2011

Mark Jackson? Really?

The Warriors appear to be taking a common NBA risk, falling in love with a personality and placing them in the position of "coach." At times, this strategy has been very successful, both Pat Riley and Phil Jackson were hired on merits of personality and with little coaching expierience. 

At other times, this approach has failed. Most recently with Avery Johnson and Isiah Thomas. 

With big personality's come big ego's and what seperates the successes from the flops is the ability to keep that ego in check. The all time greats, such as Riley and Jackson, excelled because they command respect of their locker room, yet let their players shine on the court and in the press. 

Those who have failed were unable to sustain this balance, lusting for the prime role in the spotlight eventually losing respect in the locker room. 

It remains to be seen if Jackson, someone who certainly had a big ego during his playing career and is accustomed to being seen and heard on NBA telecasts, will be able to gain the respect and share the spotlight as coach of the Warrriors. 

Fortunately for Jackson, and in a smart hire by the Warriors, he will not be going at this alone. The Warriors managed to pry away up and coming X and O man Mark Malone from the New Orleans Hornets, allowing Jackson the chance to shine as a charismatic leader with a solid NBA man to help him with on the court decisions. 

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